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We moved 140 clients over to Boxsvr dedicated server about a year ago. There were issues with the set up, right from the start. We had our server moved - with no notice once - to a 3rd party facility at Centrilogic in New York - which entailed an IP change - which of course affects all clients. We had multiple outages - and contrary to their 99.9% up time - received no compensation. There were many DNS issues - which they blamed on "outside" sources. We finally decided to migrate to another service provider as we had so many issues - and when we told them we were moving... they shut down our server! YES Shut it down even though we were paid for another month. They also put through another months invoice against our credit card 20 days before it was due! Just because we cancelled our service. Very unprofessional service. Run AWAY far and FAST!

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